Who/What Is The Olympic Fanatic?

What is The Olympic Fanatic?

An unabashedly obsessed fan of the Olympics writing about her one most favorite topic:  The Olympics.   The blog’s entries cover:

  • News pertaining to both the Summer and Winter Olympics.
  • Opinion pieces on athletes, the Games, and the sports.
  • Reflections on past Olympic memories.
  • Anything else I haven’t thought of, but somehow pertain to the Olympic Games.

Who is the Olympic Fanatic?

I have been a fan of the Olympics since my earliest childhood memories of watching the Olympic Games.  As I outgrew the Barbies and Legos and entered the middle school years, I began the transformation from fan to fanatic.  The family television never changed channels while an Olympics was occurring.  My parents began to notice that I refused to leave the den.  By the early teenage years I had developed an especially deep love for and obsession with the Games, and by the time the 1992 Games began, I think my family and I had all accepted that I had become a full-fledged Olympic fanatic.

In late 2009 I decided that even though I’d never be a sports journalist or an Olympic athlete, I could create an outlet for myself, allowing me to express my innermost thoughts about a topic for which I have a lot of passion.  Although I love and respect all Olympic Sports, I do have my favorites:  figure skating, gymnastics, swimming, speed skating, and more recently, Modern Pentathlon.

11 responses to “Who/What Is The Olympic Fanatic?

  1. jordan

    its nice to know that someone else out there has a strong passion towards the olympics. im somewhat of an addict myself. i dont know what exactly made me so intrigued by the olympics, but i have a feeling it might have been the 2008 beijing games. i guess growing up in a foreign country that was filled with so much energy and excitement towards the games had infected me as well… a friend once asked me why i was so obsessed about the olympics and i thought about it… i told him “the olympics are so much more than an average sporting event. it combines sports, the arts, fashion, music, design, technology and culture. its the meca of everything.” beside that i feel that the olympics are such an uplifting event. being at the different sporting venues, you feel the power of excitement, passion and pride of the spectators. its overwhelming that at times you forget about what problems our world is facing today.

    like you, i love all the sports offered at the olympic games. personally i enjoy swimming, track and field, gymnastics, volleyball, basketball, diving, ski jump, figure skating, alpine skiing and hockey the most.

    im not sure if you know any other olympic fanatics, but i felt maybe i should tell you that your not alone. i really enjoy your blog and i can’t wait to read more!

  2. Sharon Crowder

    OMG!!!! I am not alone. You’re absolutely “Olympilooza” like me. Your story is my story. I’ve loved the games my entire life. But as an African American woman from South GA I’ve never been very vocal about my passion for the games and what they truly mean to me. This year things are going to be different. I’m flying my “Olympic Freak” flag high for all the world to see. AND I am going to the games!!!!!!!! My husband’s job brought us to live in the UK last August and I was bound and determined to get tickets. Though I bid on several events, I was only able to secure tickets for swimming. Am I bothered???? HECK NO!!!! This is a fanatic’s dream come true. I’m doing every Olympic related activity I can fit into my schedule because I know how unbelievably blessed I am to be here. Friend me on facebook so we can share the experience. There’s a few great pictures that I took at the torch relay celebration in Cambridge yesterday that you’ll like.

  3. Joey

    Just found your page today and wished I had seen it earlier. I probably am an olympic fanatic as well but for now, just consider myself as a fan. :o) Growing up in the USA and watching 1994 and 1996 olympics as a kid, I couldn’t help but glue myself to the television every 2 years (winter and summer). This is my first time going to the summer olympics so I cannot wait!!! I’ll admit though that I’m not that big of a fan of cosport and the corruption that goes with getting tickets, but I still believe in the spirit Pierre de Coubertin believed in when he restarted the games in 1896.

  4. Justin

    Yay I’m not alone !!!! I’ve been a fanatic since the Olympics where in my home country (Canada , Vancouver 2010) and I saw the olympic torch relay ,it truly inspired me and made me a true olympic fanatic.

    • Hi Justin!

      Glad that a fellow Olympic fanatic came across my blog. It seems there are more of us out there than any of us probably realized. Thanks for checking out my blog, and I hope you come back often! (And remember, we’re less than 2 years away from Sochi 2014! )

  5. felicity rankin

    Hi there!
    I am contacting from Victory Television and we are looking for an Olympic fanatic to take part in a brand new quiz show! – UK based – you get to put your knowledge to the test against other opponants with different topics! – your blog is great so I thought I would just ask if you were interested?
    If so just Email: felicity_rankin@victorytelevision.com for more information,
    Kind regards,

    Felicity Rankin

  6. OlyFanatic – really enjoy your blog and we share so much in common. Contact me at my e-mail and I’ll get you even more in the loop – Bill Mallon

  7. rome milan

    Seems, like several of you are recent fanatics that are only now discovering a fever that I have had almost since my birth. My last name is Milan, I was born before the Olympic Trials which my mother competed in in 1959. I was named Rome because the Olympics were to be in Rome, Italy. My parents went to the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City. When they returned with Olympic pins from athletes, that is when my fanaticism took off. Since then, I have attended 1972 Munich, 1976 Montreal, 1984 LA, 1988 Seoul, 1992 Barcelona, 1996 Atlanta, 2000 Sydney, 2004 Athens, ran the Olympic torch in 2006 in Italy, 2008 Beijing and 2012 London. My children are named Paris, Sydney and Athens. I have collected more memories than possible to share in a novel. I now have collected over 12,000 Olympic NOC pins from athletes, Posters, Participant medals, Participant pins and I have collected 11 authentic Olympic Torches. Never under estimate the power of the Olympic Pin. I have traded pins for, water, hot dogs, shirts, beer, McDonalds big macs, T shirts, uniforms, Olympic hats, entry into secured areas and even Olympic tickets. I usually arrive a week early, spend 25 to 35 days during the Summer Games and about a week after. My family will usually stay through the Gymnastics events and I stay longer usually another week or two after to do final collecting. I now also display 5 to 8 times a year an Olympic Display at several events. Good luck with your Olympic adventures.

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